Olive Oil Mild
· Olive Oil Extra Virgin ·
500 ml
1 L
3 L
From December until early March, the sun-ripened olives are harvested and processed using a technique known as cold extraction. For BIO PLANÈTE Olive Oil Mild, we choose from a pool of farmers those batches which most ideally meet our strict requirements regarding quality and taste. At times, we carefully blend several batches to a »cuvée« to receive an even better and more balanced savor.
Olive oil is considered a central component of the so-called Mediterranean or Cretan diet, in which it replaces butter. Using unsaturated instead of saturated fatty acids in a diet evidently reduces the blood cholesterol level. A high blood cholesterol level constitutes one of the risk factors for coronary heart disease.
This oil is one of the first food products in Germany and France which has been rated with the Planet Score. For this eco-labelling, additional indicators are used alongside the life cycle assessment to better capture the environmental impact of food production. Read more about the Planet Score.
Recipe ideas and use of Olive Oil Mild
Our BIO PLANÈTE Olive Oil Mild is ideal for consumers who prefer a smooth, light oil, which doesn’t overpower but gently emphasizes the individual characteristics of foods. It can be used for warm and cold dishes in a diversity of culinary contexts.
Our Olive Oil Mild is also available in the convenient, eco-friendly, and economical 3 L »Oil in Box«. This economy pack is ideal for heavy usage at home, in the gastronomy business, and for canteen kitchens. Within the »Oil in Box« container, the oil is preserved longer after opening. In addition, the small tap enables a drop-free and precise pouring.
When harvesting our olives, we can rule out the possibility of birds being killed by high-end automated harvesting equipment. We are in constant close contact with our farmers, who only harvest olives during the day using gentle vibration machines or by hand. Learn more about olive harvesting techniques here.
Also discover our Olive Oil Medium Fruity and the Olive Oil Fruity.
Product of organic farming
** For this product, the raw materials may in some cases originate from other countries. This especially holds true in cases of crop shortfall, or when batches of raw goods do not meet our quality requirements. In any event, the raw material are being tested by BIO PLANÈTE and are in 100% compliance with our strict organic quality requirements. The respective origin is always noted on the product label.
Average nutritional analysis for 100 ml
** % of daily reference intake (adults)