What is the difference between omega 3 and omega 6 acids?
The difference lies in the chemical structure of the molecules. Both classes of fatty acids are essential for humans, meaning our bodies cannot product them and depend on a sufficient intake from food. Nutritional sources of omega 3 fatty acids are exclusively marine algae, fish and plant oils and seeds. Unfortunately, we tend to take in far too little of these important fatty acids. Our daily nutrition gives us a ratio of omega 6 fatty acids to omega 3 fatty acids of approx. 15:1. The German Nutritional Association recommends a ratio of 5:1.
For example, the BIO PLANÈTE Salad Oil provides this optimal ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids. If you want to balance out your omega-ratio with oils rich in omega 3, you can e.g. revert to Flaxseed Oil or our Omega Colour Oils.